The Calvary Chapel Women’s Ministry, under the direction of Sue LeBoutillier, is devoted to helping women grow closer to God through knowing His Son, Jesus Christ, as Savior and Lord. Ministries geared to women include:
Women of the Word
A weekly Bible study for women of all ages to feed on Scripture using a combination of independent study, teaching, group discussion followed by prayer. We often have multiple small groups meeting on different days of the week throughout this end of the valley.

Our Bible Studies are available in a Study Guide format in our Bookstore or here on our website. This enables women to follow with a study at home or with friends and watch the related teaching from our website: ccontario.com.
Fall Women’s Retreat
September of each year is the time for our ladies to get away with the Lord and with their sisters in Christ. We head up to a retreat center on the Umatilla River to enjoy a weekend of refreshment and time to be still with Jesus.