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If you have a question for Pastor Paul to answer on a future Q&A, CLICK HERE.

May 2024

Some of the topics covered in this Q&A include:

  • Sin and salvation

  • Dinosaurs

  • Moral relativism (i.e. homosexuality, drinking alcohol)

  • Born again but living a sinful lifestyle (i.e. homosexuality)

April 2024

Some of the topics covered in this Q&A include:

  • What are examples of “another gospel”

  • Free will in Heaven

  • The purpose of the Law

  • Dinner with the apostle Paul

March 2024

Some of the topics covered in this Q&A include:

  • King James & NLT Bible translations

  • Serving in the military & fighting wars

  • Women teaching

  • The purpose of the Law

February 2024

Some of the topics covered in this Q&A include:

  • God's "silence"

  • Attending same-sex marriage ceremonies

  • The Legacy Standard Bible translation

  • Taking communion

January 2024

Some of the topics covered in this Q&A include:

  • Recommended Bible study resources

  • Understanding Scripture through dispensations

  • Believers living together out of wedlock

  • Spiritual gifts

December 2023

Some of the topics covered in this Q&A include:

  • Suffering for your faith

  • Tithing

  • Transgenderism

  • Celebrating Christmas

November 2023

Some of the topics covered in this Q&A include:

  • Israel and broken covenants

  • Is Christmas a pagan celebration?

  • The Bible and contraceptives

  • Does suicide cancel someone's salvation?

October 2023

Some of the topics covered in this Q&A include:

  • Angels

  • Life after death

  • Celebrating Halloween

  • Jehovah's Witnesses

September 2023

Some of the topics covered in this Q&A include:

  • Legalism

  • Salvation

  • Cremation

  • Unequally yoked

August 2023

Some of the topics covered in this Q&A include:

  • Baptism

  • The Rapture & the Great Tribulation

  • God's sovereignty

  • Books of Maccabees

July 2023

Some of the topics covered in this Q&A include:

  • Wedding ceremonies

  • Laying down rights for others

  • Tattoos

  • Speaking in tongues

June 2023

Some of the topics covered in this Q&A include:

  • Female roles in the church

  • Dinosaurs

  • COVID vaccines and end times

  • Parable of the wedding banquet

May 2023

Some of the topics covered in this Q&A include:

  • Apostles Creed

  • Homosexuality and sin

  • Catholicism and salvation

  • Predestination and savlation

April 2023

Some of the topics covered in this Q&A include:

  • The church vs God's chosen people (Israel)

  • Physical and spiritual healing

  • Predestination and predetermination

  • Smoking and sin

Check out Pastor Paul's book...


Pastor, I Have a Question

Over 150 answers to challenging questions about the Bible and the Christian life Available in Paperback 

by PAUL LEBOUTILLIER (Author), Janine Pineda (Editor)

Click to order your copy on Amazon

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