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The Book of 1 JOHN
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1 John 1 • Walking in the Light as He is in the Light

1 John 2 (Part 1) :1-17 • We have an advocate with the Father

1 John 2 (Part 2) :18-29 • Abiding in the Truth

1 John 3  (Part 1) :1-12 • Beloved, we are God’s children

1 John 3 (Part 2) :13-24 • Abiding in Faith

1 John 4 (Part 1) :1-6 • Test the Spirits

1 John 4 (Part 2) :7–21 • We love because He first loved us

1 John 5 • This is the Testimony

Topical Index for 1 John—

1 John 1 • Introduction, John’s eyewitness testimony, Having fellowship with God, God is light, Walking in the light

1 John 2 (Part 1) :1-17 • Standing against temptation, Jesus our Advocate, Propitiation, Loving the world

1 John 2 (Part 2) :18-29 • Protection against deception, Our anointing by the Spirit, Not shrinking back

1 John 3  (Part 1) :1-12 • Children of God, Christians rejected by the world, We will be made like Him, Making a practice of sin

1 John 3 (Part 2) :13-24 • Hatred from the world, Warnings about hatred among believers, Benefits of abiding in Christ, 

1 John 4 (Part 1) :1-6 • Testing the spirits, The world cannot bear the truth, The spirit of truth and the spirit of error

1 John 4:7–21 • The command to love one another, Propitiation, Sharing God’s love to the world, No fear in love, God loved first

1 John 5 • The overcoming victory of faith, The testimony of the Spirit, Asking in prayer, Understanding from God

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